Innisfail Dentists
The First Fully Accredited Dental Practice in Innisfail
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Inlays, Crowns and Bridge
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What is Flouride?
How does Flouride help teeth?
Is Flouride harmful?
Is infant formula and baby food safe?
Do other food and beverages contain flouride?
Why is there opposition to flouridation?
What about Flourdie tablets?
Mottled or patchy looking adult teeth?
When should my little one have their first check up?
My child still hasn’t got their adult tooth through? Should I be worried?
Will my child need braces?
Do fissure sealants last forever?
Are amalgam fillings bad for you?
hould I replace my amalgam fillings?
How much does the crown cost?
Does a Crowned Tooth Require Special Care?
Is it Painful to get a Crown?
Crown has come out. Can it be re-cemented?
How will you be able to match the colour of the crown exactly?
How long will a dental crown last?
What are the alternatives?
How much will it cost?
What if I have difficult Root Canal? Is there anything that can be done?
Why did my root filled tooth become dark?
I’ve had Root Canal before and now the tooth is sore?
Is there a way to have a denture put in immediately?
Is it possible to have a combination of denture and implants?
How long will it take me to get used to a denture?
How much do dentures cost?
My acrylic denture broke clean in two. Can’t I just glue it back together?
I need a tooth out and I already have a denture. What can I do?
How much do denture repairs cost?
Do toothpaste whiteners work?
Is tooth whitening bad for my enamel?
How long does tooth whitening last?
Does tooth whitening affect fillings, veneers, or crowns?
Is tooth bleaching safe?
Does tooth whitening cause permanent tooth sensitivity?
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